Request Quote Company (*) Your name (*) Your email (*) Your country (*) Your state/province (*) Your city (*) Your zip code/postal code (*) Telephone number (*) Number of kilns (*) # of heat zones/kiln - independently regulated heat valves or actuators New or retrofit NewRetrofit Optional Max temperature Type of sensor WirelessWirebound Type of kiln PackageTrackConventionalDH KilnVacuumOther Number of wood moisture content sensors Number of wood temperature sensors Humidity Sensor Type - EMC sensors (wafer based, 2/kiln, mobile) or wet-bulb (fixed, 1/kiln, requires water trough) EMC WaferWet Bulb Do you require a new host PC? Yes Type of installation SelfLignomat Fan control StarterVFD4-20ma0-10VOther1 VFD per kiln1 VFD per Fan Fan type ReversingNon-revDown draft Heat control SteamDirect fireDH Aux Signal On/OffModulatingAnalog/4-20maAnalog 0-10v DCOther Actuator type ElectricPneumatic Vent Control ElectricPneumatic Signal On/OffModulatingAnalog/4-20maAnalog 0-10v DCOther Actuator type ElectricPneumatic Spray Control Source Live SteamCold Water Valve/Actuator ElectricPnumatic Signal On/OffAnalog 4-20mAAnalog 0-10v DCOther Additional notes 2 * 3= Δ