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Status: Closed
This issue is complete.
MP32 Schedule Tool Tip oddity
The tooltip for the time segment in a DT schedule is odd in the warming thru row when editing.
MP32 Schedule edit (CS) oddity
When tabbing through the EMC and Temp entries the tab skips cooling time (second row down) and goes directly from first row to 3rd row.
KCU, M5 M8 D52 light solid on kiln shutdown
The lights on the receiver are on solid and D52 on the KCU is solid on. MP8 M5 and M8 errors are showing in the KCS software.
Edit on
on the grid view page when you press edit it goes to page 404
Stop when pressing enter on the password field
Goes to a 404 page when enter is pressed on the password field for stop kiln page